ANH News Beat (week 9/2023)

Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news in one place. Read the headlines or click on the links to find out more.

Natural News

  • Cultured meat takes on a whole new dimension when you comprehend that immortalised cell lines that continually divide are being used to create the ‘meat’. Technically, such cells are precancerous and some may even be cancerous. The use of such cells is being justified by the fact that they’ve been in use in labs for decades, although there is little to no science to show how such ‘food’ might affect the human body, as it’s new-to-nature, not been a part of our evolution or tested in-vivo (in humans)
  • Vertical farming, touted as an environmentally friendly way to grow plants, is failing rapidly due to the associated costs, which can’t currently compete with traditionally grown fruit and veg
  • Walk into any supermarket and you’ll be dazzled by a seemingly unending choice of food. Step back for a minute and you begin to realise that these ‘foods’ rely on a very limited range of ingredients.