Urgent Action Alert: USDA Begins Deregulation Process for 1st GE Tree

The goal of the STOP GE Trees Campaign is to work with forest dependent communities to protect native forests from the uncontrollable and irreversible threats posed by the release of genetically engineered trees (GE trees or GM trees) into the...

May 6, 2024 | Source: Global Justice Ecology Project | by

For related articles and more information, please visit OCA’s Millions Against Monsanto page and our Genetic Engineering page.

URGENT ACTION ALERT: USDA Begins Deregulation for 1st Genetically Engineered Forest Tree


Tell the USDA NO WAY on Genetically Engineered Trees!

 The USDA is accepting public comments on a request by GE tree company ArborGen to commercially sell hundreds of millions of freeze tolerant genetically engineered eucalyptus trees annually for vast plantations across Texas, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina. 

For more on the dangers of GE trees and detailed information for your comments, read our GE trees fact sheet.


Government approval of GE eucalyptus trees would set a dangerous precedent that could lead to the legalization of GE versions of native forest trees, including poplar and pine, that would inevitably and irreversibly contaminate native forests with destructive GE traits, devastating forest ecosystems and wildlife.  Once GE trees escape, there is no way to call them back. 

The only way to stop GE trees from invading and contaminating native forests is to ban the commercial release of GE trees before it is too late.