Preview of New Book, With Foreward by Joel Salatin, “The Raw Milk Revolution” by David E. Gumpert

"The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America's Emerging Battle Over Food Rights" by David E. Gumpert, foreword by Joel Salatin.

May 7, 2024 | Source: | by

The book preview can be found here

Here is an excerpt:

This is a full assault against us. It’s a war against raw milk… They’ve done hundreds of tests and found zero pathogens. If the authorities didn’t back off and allow him to reopen, we’re going to sue them for $100 million.

As I would come to know over the ensuing months, Mark McAfee didn’t mince his words, nor did he shirk from standing up to government regulators.

He described for me a situation in which a dozen or more guys in white coveralls and plastic gloves from the California Department of Food and Agriculture and the FDA were combing every crevice and corner of his dairy, taking milk and manure samples from cows, inspecting is bulk tanks, tearing apart packaging, and digging up soil samples…