October 15, 2017 May 2, 2024

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La Loma is proud to be collaborating with Jude Hobbs (Cascadia Permaculture) & Rico Zook (Itinerant Permaculture) to host an exciting Teacher Training course - helping you to awaken the tools to spread the knowledge of permaculture to others.

This course will be a pre-event for the International Permaculture Conference (IPC 2017) taking place in India shortly afterwards, where Jude and Rico will be two of the main teachers of this years course program.

Drawing on a wealth of diverse experience, this 6 day facilitators training will develop your professional skills to work in an educational setting, teaching permaculture or any other related topics or subjects. Our goal is to encourage and inspire your unique strengths and talents by demonstrating diverse teaching modalities, such as lectures, class discussions, storytelling, and using visual aids. In this setting of active learning, you will experience essential hands-on practice by preparing and co-teaching several presentations.

This course provides the necessary skills and will help you to gain the confidence to begin designing and teaching permaculture courses of all levels to any audience, anywhere in the world!

During the Teacher Training you will discover accelerated learning skills, diverse learning modalities, course convening and leadership training. You will learn how to plan lessons, organise and teach both long and short courses and present information effectively.  It will also include planning budgets, curriculums and venue co-ordinating. Your worldwide teaching career awaits!
