Hemp plant.

7 Sustainability Benefits of HempWool Insulation

Hempitecture raises the bar in building insulation with an option that stores carbon as well as heat.

May 11, 2023 | Source: Metropolis | by Kelly Beamon

Improving on other sustainable options, this hemp-based thermal batt insulation from Hempitecture adds carbon absorption to its list of attributes, including being biobased and safe for workers to touch. Here’s how it’s weeding out the competition.


Industrial hemp plants, the insulation’s chief raw component, have a rapid growing cycle that also helps with soil regeneration, requires no fertilizer or pesticides, and needs 50 percent less water than cotton per season.


One acre of industrial hemp absorbs roughly 9.8 tons of atmospheric carbon as it grows.


There are no irritating allergens or VOCs in the final product, which means installers can safely handle HempWool without gloves. Basic protective gear, such as eye protection and a dust mask typical of work sites, are all that’s recommended.