66,000 and Counting

66,000 and Counting


We recently launched a petition to President Obama, asking him to veto H.R. 1599 or any federal bill that would preempt state or federal laws requiring labels on GMO foods.

Why ask the President to veto a bill well before it lands on his desk? 

Several reasons. First, we want to let Obama know that the vast majority of Americans—more than 90 percent, according to recent polls—want GMO foods labeled.
And we want to remind him that he promised to support labeling, way back when, on the campaign trail.

We also want to remind Obama that early on in his Presidency, he issued an Executive Order against passing federal laws that, “without sufficient legal basis,” preempt state laws.

In just under a week, more than 66,000 people have signed on to this petition. We need at least 100,000 total, before we can deliver the petition, and get the press to cover our delivery.

If you’ve already signed, thank you! Could you please forward the petition to at least five others? Post it on Facebook? Tweet it?

We think we can do this. It may not be the only way to stop the DARK Act—but it’s one important tool in the toolbox. Thank you!

TAKE ACTION: Ask President Obama to Pledge to Veto the DARK Act!