photoThe No on 37 campaign is desperate to defeat Prop 37, the California Right to Know GMO labeling initiative. That’s why companies like Monsanto, Pepsi, Dow, DuPont and Coca-Cola are spending more than $1 million a day to kill this initiative and keep us in the dark about GMO ingredients in our food. So far, they’ve raised more than $40 million to dominate California’s airwaves until Nov. 6.

Here are some facts you may not yet know about Prop 37 and the pesticide and junk food manufacturers who oppose it:

– Farmers support Prop 37. Here are four inspiring videos by farmers – including GMO farmers – who support Prop 37. Please watch and share these videos with friends in California who will be voting on November 6:

– Who else says Yes on 37? Physicians, consumer and food safety groups, and public health and environmental organizations. Supporters include the National Family Farm Coalition, California Certified Organic Farmers, California Nurses Association, National Health Federation, Consumer Watchdog, Sierra Club and many many more have endorsed Prop 37.

– The No on 37 crowd includes a long list of pesticide and junk food corporations, most of which are based out of state or in foreign countries.

– The No on 37 campaign is running on a platform of lies and deception. Please read this article and share with friends.
Debunked: 6 Lies That Biotech and Big Food Are Telling Voters

In addition to sharing the videos and article above, here are some ways you can help win this historic food fight in November:

– The Yes on 37 campaign hasn’t raised enough money to get our ads on TV yet. The Organic Consumers Fund and Organic Consumers Association have already given more than $1,000,000 in small contributions to CA Right to Know, but it’s not enough to get our message on TV in the expensive media markets of this enormous state. Please help by donating to the Yes on 37 TV ad buy:

– We need volunteers to distribute leaflets right up until election day. Contact your local leader here:  Or sign up here:

–  We also need volunteers in California and across the country to join our phone bank. Please sign up here and the campaign will send you detailed instructions.

–  Right to Know events are happening every day across the state. Search for events near you or add your own to our interactive map:

– You can buy t-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers and flyers in the Right to Know store:

And finally, if  you’ve got 50 minutes to spare, we highly recommend this documentary (free to watch online through October 31) that features doctors, including pediatricians, who recommend non-GMO diets for their patients: Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives

We can do this. Two weeks! Yes on 37!