brown chicken eggs in carton

Why Might Eggs Be Helpful To Prevent Dementia?

October 07, 2024 | Source: Huffington Post | by Amy Glover

We’ve written before at HuffPost UK about how everything from falling in older age to certain weather conditions may increase your risk of developing dementia.

Luckily, scientists think lifestyle factors like exercisingnot smoking, and possibly even drinking tea might lower those odds ― in fact, the Lancet has shared a list of 14 “modifiable” risk factors for dementia.

Recent research published in the journal Nutrients suggests that a common breakfast ingredient could also offer prevention against the condition among older people.

What’s the best breakfast for dementia?

The paper found that study participants who ate one egg a day were less likely to develop dementia than those who ate them weekly or less.

The scientists looked at the diets of older adults (74 on average), half of whom had dementia and half of whom did not.

They found that weekly egg eaters were 1.7 times more likely to have dementia than daily egg eaters; monthly egg eaters were roughly four times more likely.