Hillary Clinton couldn’t help but be spitting mad at the Greenpeace activist who confronted her about the money her campaign has taken from the fossil fuel industry, asking the candidate if she would pledge to reject such money in the future.
“I don’t have — I have money from people who work for fossil fuel companies,” the Democratic frontrunner snapped, pointing her finger at activist Eva Resnick-Day. “I am so sick. I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me!”
But who’s doing the lying?
At a time when ice in the Antarctic is melting at an accelerated rate due to climate change, prompting new warnings about a rise of the earth’s oceans by more than three feet by the end of the century, the issue of fossil fuels and climate change ought to be center stage this election season.
With the Republicans so anti-science and pro-business that they barely admit that climate change is happening, let alone that the burning of fossil fuels is the primary cause of it, most voters who care about the environment are looking to Democrats for an alternative.
That was the reasoning behind Greenpeace’s decision earlier this year to ask presidential candidates to sign what it calls the “Pledge to Fix Democracy.” Among other things, the pledge includes defending the right to vote, supporting public funding for elections and overturning Citizens United — and refusing money from fossil-fuel industry PACs and corporations, as well as energy company lobbyists, board members and executives. Bernie Sanders and the Green Party’s Jill Stein are the only two candidates currently in the race who have signed the pledge.
Clinton hasn’t signed the pledge, but her campaign certainly knows about it. So when the candidate was asked by Eva Resnick-Day if she would stop taking money from the oil and energy giants, Clinton engaged in some classic political-year word games.
On the surface, Clinton’s campaign doesn’t appear to have directly received that much money from the fossil fuel industry. According to the Center for Responsive Politics’ OpenSecrets.org website, as of March 21, the Clinton campaign had received $308,000 from individuals connected to the oil and gas industry. That’s a lot of money, but not when it’s compared to the tens of millions her campaign has taken in overall.
Unsurprisingly, the Sanders campaign has received even less — about $54,000 from individuals in the oil and gas industries, according to OpenSecrets.org.
Overall, Democrats have received just 2.3 percent of all oil and gas contributions in this election cycle, according to The Washington Post.
Clinton proudly trumpeted this statistic in a Meet the Press appearance — before condescending to a whole generation of people, in classic Clinton fashion: “I feel sorry sometimes for the young people who, you know, believe this. They don’t do their own research. And I’m glad that we can now point to reliable independent analysis to say no, it’s just not true.”