Watch Regeneration International’s World Food Summit


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Regeneration International, in conjunction with OCA and our international partners, including The Global Alliance for Organic Districts, IFOAM Asia, Navdanya, the International Network of Eco Regions, Savory Hub Africa, Via Organica, AFSA, The League of Organic Municipalities and Cities and BERAS International broadcast the People’s Food Summit on Sunday, October 16, 2022, World Food Day.

The 24-hour transcontinental event, with panelists from all over the world, was the second annual Peoples Food Summit with hundreds of thousands of people from all over world tuning in to watch and listen to our speakers.

The Summit again highlighted the proven, farmer-based, real-world examples that are the future of our food and farming systems, including agroecology, organic and regenerative farming, permaculture, agroforestry, holistically managed grazing and many other systems.

Watch the individual panels or any of the portions of the entire event here.