Twitter Falsely Labels All Mercola Links as Unsafe
The documentary “Plandemic” by Mikki Willis has raised the ante on internet censorship to a whole new level. Across the board, the film has been banned from social media platforms and hidden by Google. If you do an online search for it, all you find are dozens of pages with articles calling it a hoax, a fraud or the dreaded old “conspiracy theory.”
June 10, 2020 | Source: | by Dr. Joseph Mercola
The documentary “Plandemic” by Mikki Willis has raised the ante on internet censorship to a whole new level. Across the board, the film has been banned from social media platforms and hidden by Google. If you do an online search for it, all you find are dozens of pages with articles calling it a hoax, a fraud or the dreaded old “conspiracy theory.”
The film features Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., a cellular and molecular biologist1 whose research showed that many vaccines are contaminated with gammaretroviruses, thanks to the fact that they use viruses grown in contaminated animal cell lines.
A May 27, 2020, article2 in The Jewish Voice, which carries the telling headline, “Washington Post Journalist Advocates Censorship of Controversial Dr. Judy Mikovits Film, as Stunning Censorship Grips World,” notes:
“When The Jewish Voice posted the 20 minute preview of Dr. Judy Mikovitz’ documentary ‘Plandemic’ our website literally crashed for 24 hours straight due to huge traffic … The movie is about vaccines and pandemics and her views on Bill Gates and others. Is the 20-minute preview controversial, absolutely — is this material dangerous? Absolutely not.
It’s frightening enough that YouTube and just about every other social media platform, insisted on censoring a 20-minute preview of an unreleased documentary, but we are at a point where actual journalists are advocating for censorship. Journalists basically live by the values of the First Amendment …
In an article reporting on the take-down of the video, The Washington Post’s Silicon Valley Correspondent Elizabeth Dwoskin complained that after the coronavirus documentary Plandemic was censored on social media, some YouTube clips were telling users how to access “banned footage” from the documentary via Google Drive …
This gets even more incredible. The ‘journalist’ then brags that The Washington Post contacted Google and Google Drive took down a file featuring the trailer for the ‘Plandemic’ documentary.
In other words, the Washington Post has a writer working for them that is so vehemently anti-free speech, she contacted Google and now reports are circulating that people’s personal copies of the video are vanishing from their Google Drives! …
We are entering a terrifying new era, a world where censorship is common and the guardians of free speech — journalists, are standing up for… censorship!”
Google Drive Removes Private Content
Indeed, it appears Google Drive has removed downloaded copies of the film from users’ personal files at the request of The Washington Post.3 According to Reclaim the Net, Google Drive has also been caught blocking access to a hydroxychloroquine study:4
“For many Google Drive users, the service is their only file storage solution and they use it to save copies of videos and posts that have been deleted or censored on other platforms.
If this precedent continues, it could mean these users have their only copy of content that has been scrubbed from social media platforms taken down because they shared a link to those files with other people.
According to Google Drive’s policies, distributing what Google deems to be ‘misleading content related to civic and democratic processes,’ ‘misleading content related to harmful health practices,’ ‘manipulated media’ is prohibited with possible exceptions when the content is used in an ‘educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic context.’”
The question is, who decides what content is misleading or what health practices are harmful? Unequivocal scientific consensus is hard to find, no matter what we’re talking about. As long as we have scientists looking into things, the science on any given topic will never be fully settled.
Hence, avoiding conflicting viewpoints and differing scientific findings will be virtually impossible. If we shut down viewpoints (especially by scientists) that veer from the status quo of the day, science will simply cease to exist.
It will become pointless, if it isn’t already. We’ll have to settle for the personal opinions of our leaders, be they elected or unelected, like Bill Gates. It’s hard to fathom that in this 21st century, we’re on a fast-track into a new intellectual Dark Age.
Epidemiologist Censored for Countering Lockdown Narrative
Mikovits is by no means the only voice being censored these days. Another example is that of Knut Wittkowski, Ph.D., DSc, an epidemiologist and former head of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at Rockefeller University, of all places.
His video, in which he challenges the wisdom of lockdown orders, was removed by YouTube for “violating community standards” after garnering nearly 1.5 million views.
When asked why he thought “there is so much pushback” to his line of reasoning, he replied,5 “Because I think so many people have invested so much of their ego and so they have a problem acknowledging that maybe it was a little bit too much.” A YouTube spokesperson defended the company’s actions, saying:6
“We quickly remove flagged content that violates our Community Guidelines, including content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of global or local health authority recommended guidance on social distancing that may lead others to act against that guidance. We are committed to continue providing timely and helpful information at this critical time.”