Tips & Tricks for Harvesting and Drying Herbs
Harvesting and drying herbs correctly is a very important part of the process when it comes to making your own medicinals. Every step plays a crucial role in the potency of the end result. To take full advantage of everything the plant has to offer, you must harvest and preserve with intention.
May 18, 2021 | Source: Chelsea Green Publishing | by Kat Maier
Harvesting Herbs
When deciding the best season for harvesting a particular herb, simply think about where the energy resides in the plant. In the winter, roots are dormant, which actually means they are storing energy for new growth. In the spring as leaves unfurl, energy rises skyward to increase surface area of foliage for optimal photosynthesis. Flower formation requires a tremendous amount of energy; flowers express sexuality and reproduction and are the creators of the seeds that will ensure proliferation of the species.
When To Harvest
Although timing of harvesting varies somewhat by region, here are some general guidelines:
- If you want to harvest leaf medicine, it is best to gather before the plant flowers.
- When harvesting lowers, gather blossoms just before or at full flower.
- Gather seeds after they have turned from green to maturity, but do not wait too long because the oils and medicine in them can dissipate.
- For roots, harvest after the second frost. The first frost alerts all above-ground parts of the plant to drop into the root for winter storage. After the second frost most of the plant energy has moved into the root. If you live in a region where temperatures do not drop below freezing, harvest the root when the plant is in its most dormant state.