Rolan Bison Ranch
Rolan Bison Ranch located near Weippe Idaho raises grassfed bison. We started raising bison because of the health benefits for our family. Now we would like to help provide a source of healthy meat to others who are also committed to eating healthy. Our animals are pastured on a mix of natural grasses that are free of pesticides and herbicides. They are supplemented with natural vitamins and minerals with absolutely no animal by-products, growth hormone, or antibiotics. They receive no grain, but the meat is very lean, flavorful, and tender. We use a mobile butcher because it is more humane and eliminates unnecessary stress to the animals. Animals that are less stressed yield a more tender, higher quality product.
Type: Farm
Owner's Name:
Owner's Title:
Phone: (208) 435-4138
Social Links:
Address: 1040 Four Mile Road
Weippe, Idaho 83553

Certifications: None
Practices: None