PnD Organic Beef

Our farm is located in beautiful Lewis County, and has been in the family for 44 years, seven of those being certified by Washington State. Every animal except our bull has been born and raised here, out with their mothers on our lush, green fields. Our animals are 100% pasture-fed. Even when inclement weather forces us to house them, they are only fed premium silage and hay from our own fields. We use no antibiotics, hormones, or any other non-approved feeds, resulting in tender, scrumptious meat that is not only good for you, but safe for your loved ones. Not all organic beef is pasture-fed, and not all pasture-fed beef is Certified Organic. We have the best of both worlds!! Pasture-fed means our animals are fed no grains that are difficult for the animal to digest, and can lead to illness. Eating a diet that comes naturally puts less stress on the individual animal and it is stronger and healthier.

Type: Farm

Owner's Name: Paul and Dalene Olson

Owner's Title:


Phone: (360) 748-7873


Social Links:

Address: 282 Kirkland Road
Chehalis, Washington 98532



Certifications: None

Practices: None