Grady Ranch was originally established as a dairy farm in the 1970’s. Our family transitioned from a dairy to raising beef in 2013. Grady Ranch is a family farm that now specializes in all natural, 100% grassfed and grass finished beef from Angus cows born and raised on Grady Ranch. The cows are never confined, always pastured using rotational grazing methods and high quality grasses and forages. They are fed according to American Grassfed Association protocols. We are also certified through Global Animal Partnership [GAP level 4]. The cows are never given growth hormones and are raised using respectful and humane practices. Our mission at Grady Ranch is to provide the consumer with the highest quality agricultural product we are able to produce, while practicing naturally and sustainable stewardship of the land. We are dedicated to being a transparent and authentic family business, striving at all times to apply the highest level of integrity in all business practices.

Type: Farm

Owner's Name: Bill West

Owner's Title: owner


Phone: (229) 378-7673


Social Links:

Address: 200 Grady Ranch Lane
WHIGHAM, Georgia 39897




American Grassfed Association (AGA)American Grassfed Association (AGA)

Practices: None