European Union has, once again, rejected Monsanto’s genetically engineered
sweet corn. Under pressure from the U.S., the EU lifted its ban on GE
foods last year, but has since only approved two GE products for import.
The U.S. claims the EU’s precautionary stance on GE foods is a violation
of free trade agreements. /old_articles/monsanto/sweetcorn052305.cfm
December of 2004, the OCA rallied its supporters in a massive letter
writing campaign to the University of California Berkeley, when Dr.
Igancio Chapela was denied his tenure for speaking out on the issue
of GE crop contamination. Thanks to everyone who took action, the University
has announced it will reverse its prior decision and grant Dr. Chapela
his well deserved tenure. /old_articles/ge/ignacio052305.cfm
Chapter Inc. has become the first company to prove that vitamins can
be made 100% organic, following the guidelines of the USDA National
Organic Program (NOP). The USDA currently refuses to regulate products
such as vitamins and body care, based on their argument that the NOP
should only regulate food, despite the fact that the NOP regulations
specifically oversee how a product is created, not how a product is
consumed. /old_articles/organic/supplements051805.cfm
has become the first state to pass a bill that will require the labeling
of genetically engineered fish. Senator Gary Stevens said of the bill,
"The message that Alaska seafood is more natural than seafood that
has been engineered in a lab is a highly important marketing tool."
There were no discussions as to how that same regulatory labeling philosophy
should apply to other genetically engineered foods. /old_articles/ge/alaskabill051105.cfm