Organic Bytes
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several people planting seeds in soil

Global Regeneration Needs Your Support

OCA and our sister international network, Regeneration International, firmly believe we can reverse global warming, restore degraded ecosystems, improve public health, eliminate rural poverty and rejuvenate participatory democracy through regenerative and organic food, farming, and land use practices.

Our mission is to expose the truth about degenerative agriculture, corporate polluters, corrupt politicians, and indentured scientists and regulatory agencies. 

We’re not afraid to tell the truth about COVID-19, exposing the mad GMO and synthetic biology scientists, military industrial-biological Masters of War, medical mal-practitioners, and would-be digital dictators who have brought on and/or manipulated and profited from the COVID-19 catastrophe.

With your support, we intend to step up the work that must be done to transform our food and farming system, regenerate public health, and stop the so-called Great Reset of the global elite before it metastasizes any further.

Please make a generous donation at this time, if you are able. Thank you for your support.

Make a tax-deductible donation to Organic Consumers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit

Support Citizens Regeneration Lobby, OCA’s 501(c)(4) lobbying arm (not tax-deductible)

Donate $100 or more and we’ll send you a copy of Ronnie’s book on the Climate Crisis, Grassroots Rising.

Click here for more ways to support our work

Ronnie Cummins and Andre Leu

Greening Global Deserts

During the recent Growing Stronger national conference on organic agriculture, André Leu and Ronnie Cummins hosted a conversation, titled Game-Changing Agroforestry & Holistic Livestock Management System, about the transformative power of regenerative agave systems.

They discussed the global potential of the Mexico-based agave agroforestry project, Greening the Desert, to spread across North and South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania and regenerate a major portion of the earth’s semi-arid and arid drylands, where the majority of the world’s rural farmers and villagers struggle to make a living.

Watch on YouTube

black and white cow against blue sky


Industrial factory farming threatens our health, our environment and our local economic and food security. The handful of “Big Meat” corporations that monopolize industrial meat production are guilty of exploiting meatpacking workers, farmworkers, farmers and ranchers—and torturing billions of farm animals.

There’s a better way. We need to act now.

Who should lead the effort to ban factory farms? Consumers can, and must, play a major role in ending industrial factory farms.

We counted at least 13 Reasons—including preventing future pandemics. Here they are.

This isn’t a pie-in-the-sky ask. Politicians, including Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.),  Sen. Cory Booker and others, have proposed policy reforms that would transform the entire food and farming system over a 10-year period.

And of course, it’s time for all consumers to #BoycottBigMeat.

Please sign the petition now to demand a moratorium on new and expanding factory farms, and support the just transition to an organic regenerative food and farming system!

trees in a forested area of a park

Regenerating Global Forests

What would it take to bring the world to net zero carbon emissions? 

Reducing fossil fuel use as quickly as possible is one piece of the puzzle—but another equally important strategy is using the power of regenerative agriculture, reforestation, and ecosystem restoration to sequester existing atmospheric carbon into the soil. 

One inspiring initiative leading reforestation efforts is the Trillion Tree Campaign, a global project with the goal of planting one trillion trees through local reforestation projects worldwide. 

The Trillion Tree Campaign functions as a hub that connects individuals and organizations wishing to sponsor the planting of trees with a multitude of community-based reforestation projects across the globe. 

The campaign is an expansion of the previous Billion Tree Campaign, and is a continuation of the work of the late Nobel Peace Prize laureate Wangari Maathai, founder of the Kenya-based Green Belt Movement, which “empowers communities, particularly women, to conserve the environment and improve livelihoods” through community-led reforestation projects.

The reforestation efforts empowered by The Trillion Tree Campaign are a powerful force for regeneration on many levels—in addition to addressing climate change by sequestering carbon, they also restore biodiversity, clean water supplies, produce regenerative food, feed, and fiber, and provide a multitude of other social and economic benefits to communities. 

EXPLORE global reforestation projects and join the Trillion Tree Campaign!

orange flowers in a meadow

Reversing Climate Change: The 10% Solution

As OCA and Regeneration International never tire of pointing out, we can reverse climate change, restore degraded ecosystems, regenerate public health, and eliminate rural poverty by adopting and scaling up the best practices of organic and regenerative agriculture and land use. 

Did you know that expanding regenerative and organic practices on just 5-10% of our agricultural lands, in combination with alternative energy and massive reforestation, can solve a number of our most pressing global problems?

Discover more about this exciting and hopeful roadmap for global transformation in Regeneration International’s latest article.

Read: Best Practices: How Regenerative & Organic Agriculture and Land Use Can Reverse Global Warming

fresh harvest of vegetables

Regenerating US Food Politics

Scaling up regenerative and organic food and farming will require not only consumer awareness, market demand, and farmer innovation, but also fundamental policy change, accompanied by a massive increase in public and private funding.

If we are going to reverse our catastrophic public health and environmental crises, and make family farm-scale agriculture economically viable again, we have no choice but to educate and mobilize.

We must step up the pressure on public officials to stop subsidizing bad food, which is low in nutrients and contains multiple contaminants and bad fats. We must force them to stop subsidizing degenerate farming and livestock management practices, which rely on the intensive use of toxic chemicals, fossil fuels, factory farms, and GMOs. 

Fortunately, there’s a way forward. We are fortunate to have policy experts such as Mackenzie Feldman, founder and executive director of Herbicide-Free Campus, and John Ikerd, author and professor emeritus of agricultural economics at the University of Missouri, speaking out on behalf of the Thrive Agenda (the latest incarnation of the Green New Deal) and our growing Regeneration Movement. 

Read: Farm Policy Agenda for Regenerative Farming, authored by Mackenzie Feldman and John Ikerd