Yesterday, one of our supporters reported back that his local food co-op (which will remain unnamed until management issues a formal statement) recently dropped Ben & Jerry’s, and that our #DumpBenandJerrys campaign played a big role in the store’s decision.
This is how we move Unilever-owned Ben & Jerry’s toward organic. But we need your help.
Many local natural health food stores and co-ops, stores that cater to conscious consumers like you, carry only organic ice cream. But some of them also carry Ben & Jerry’s. Not only that, they display Ben & Jerry’s ice cream right next to the organic brands they sell—a move that misleads consumers into thinking Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is organic, too.
And get this—sometimes these stores put a higher price tag on Ben & Jerry’s than on the organic brands!
We need your help to get stores all over the country to #DumpBenandJerrys. Here’s a map of stores. Find out if your store sells Ben & Jerry’s. If it does, take this letter to the store manager and ask him or her to stop selling Ben & Jerry’s. After your visit, please fill out this form to let us know what happened.
Thanks to you, the bad news is piling up for Vermont’s greenwasher. Just this week, a new study exposed industrial dairy’s major role as a greenhouse gas emitter. And Ben & Jerry’s claims to care about global warming???
Also this week, when the EU Commission failed to greenlight Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, one news report highlighted our testing of Ben & Jerry’s glyphosate-contaminated ice cream in four EU countries.
And Ben & Jerry’s sales are melting—and dragging down Unilever’s profits.
Your calls to Ben & Jerry’s, your leafleting in front of Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Shops and other food stores that carry Ben & Jerry’s are paying off. But we need to keep the pressure on!
Find co-ops and natural food stores near you
Download this letter to store managers
After your store visit, please fill out this questionnaire to let us know what happened
Support our ‘Ben & Jerry’s: Go Organic!’ campaign. Donations to OCA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, are tax deductible