TAKE ACTION: Tell General Mills and Muir Glen you’ve joined the boycott!
General Mills has been catching a lot of flak from consumers lately in the form of class action lawsuits for misleading claims and labels. And then there was that consumer backlash fiasco when the company asked its Facebook friends to say a few words about Cheerios. Boy did they. Complaints poured in about the GMOs in Cheerios. General Mills ended the conversation faster than you can say ‘toasted whole-grain goodness.’
Now it’s time for the company to hear from you. General Mills donated $1.2 million to Proposition 37, the California Right to Know ballot initiative to label genetically modified organisms (GMOs). You can tell the food giant exactly how you feel about that by boycotting its organic and natural brands, including Muir Glen, Cascadian Farm and Larabar. General Mills did the right thing in 2003, when the company broke ranks with Monsanto and sided with consumers to keep genetically modified wheat out of the marketplace. Let’s let them know that it’s time to support the consumer’s right to know again. And if they don’t? We’re all done with all of their brands, including the ones we love.
TAKE ACTION: Tell General Mills and Muir Glen you’ve joined the boycott!
Learn more about the OCA’s boycott of all the Traitor Brands
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