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Deb Haaland

Senate Confirms Deb Haaland as First Indigenous Cabinet Secretary

Good news! In a historical and hopeful move, Representative Deb Haaland has been confirmed as Secretary of the Interior. As an enrolled member of the Laguna Pueblo in New Mexico, Rep. Haaland will make history as the first Indigenous cabinet secretary in U.S. history. She has been a champion for public lands protection, climate action, free speech, and the upholding of Native rights and heritage. Her confirmation is a beacon of hope for our public lands and seas, our climate, and Native communities. She is sure to be a force for change, healing, and regeneration.

“A voice like mine has never been a Cabinet secretary or at the head of the Department of Interior. Growing up in my mother’s Pueblo household made me fierce. I’ll be fierce for all of us, our planet, and all of our protected land. I am honored and ready to serve.” —Deb Haaland

Read More: Deb Haaland Confirmed as First Indigenous US Cabinet Secretary

grass and red flowers

Pasture Cropping—the Regenerative No-Kill, No-Till System

Australia has many innovative regenerative farmers, including the pioneers of a cover cropping system called “pasture cropping” that is both organic and regenerative. 

In a pasture cropping system, the cash crop or annual is planted directly into a perennial pasture, rather than being planted into bare soil that has been tilled. Unlike a conventional system, with pasture cropping there is no need to plow out the pasture species as weeds or kill them with herbicides before planting the cash crop. The perennial pasture becomes the cover crop.

Modern pasture cropping was first developed by Colin Seis in New South Wales. The principle is based on the sound ecological fact that annual plants grow in perennial systems. The key is to adapt this principle to the appropriate management system for the specific cash crops and climate.

The pasture is first grazed or slashed to ensure that it is very short. This adds organic matter into the soil in the form of manure, cut grass, and shed roots, which builds soil fertility and reduces root competition from the pasture. Next, the cash crop (such as oats) is planted directly into this pasture. 

Read more: Pasture Cropping—The Innovative No-kill, No-till System Developed by Australian Farmers

air plane spraying a crop field on a farm

Global Food System Generates 1/3 of all Greenhouse Pollution

A new comprehensive study, published in Nature, using conservative calculations, confirms what we at OCA and Regeneration International have been saying for over a decade: our chemical- and energy-intensive, GMO- and factory farm-driven food and farming system is destroying not only our health and environment, but is also a primary driver for global warming and climate chaos. 

The USDA, Big Food, and corporate agribusiness have been lying to us for decades, claiming that “conventional” agriculture generates a mere 9% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, when in fact our food system pumps out at least a third of GHG pollution

Unless we make the transition to organic and regenerative food, farming, and land use practices, and move from fossil fuels to renewable energy and radical energy conservation, our current Climate Emergency will soon morph into Climate Catastrophe. Now is the time for climate, food, animal welfare, family farm, and justice advocates to unite. 

Read what even mainstream scientists are now saying: Food Systems Are Responsible for a Third of Global Anthropogenic GHG Emissions


In 2018, US Diplomats Warned of Risky Coronavirus Experiments in the Wuhan Lab—No One Listened

After many months of favoring the official story, even the New York Times is now finally admitting that the WHO investigation into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be bogus

This suggests that COVID-19, as OCA and our allies have said for over a year, was most likely the result of an accidental release of a supercharged virus that had been developed by Chinese and US scientists and funded by both governments. 

Politico magazine has now published explosive information, from Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin’s new book on the Trump administration, that Trump (and now Biden) are very likely aware that COVID-19 didn’t emerge naturally from nature, but rather escaped from a Wuhan lab. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, both Trump and Biden have chosen to remain silent and preserve “business as usual” relations with China, the US’s most powerful ally, top creditor, and trading partner.

Read more: In 2018, Diplomats Warned of Risky Coronavirus Experiments in a Wuhan Lab. No One Listened.


The Great Reset: Is Bill Gates Too Powerful?

Millions of organic food and natural health advocates and informed citizens have subscribed to the newsletter and tuned in to the videos of UK comedian and TV star Russell Brand—and for good reason. Most recently, Mercola and Brand have created a powerful piece titled “The Great Reset: Is Bill Gates Too Powerful?”

In the video, Brand points out that while Bill Gates is furiously buying up US farmland and promoting GMOs, patented seeds, and high-tech data farming, other billionaire proponents of the Great Reset, such as Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, are doing the same thing. Consequently, the top 100 landowners in the US now own 2% of the entire landmass. 

As Dr. Mercola writes, 

“Were Gates a proponent of organics, his land ownership would probably be seen as a good thing, but he’s anything but. On the contrary, not only is he a longtime proponent of GMOs and toxic agricultural chemicals, he’s also gone on record urging Western nations to switch to 100% synthetic lab-grown imitation beef, and has railed against legislative attempts to make sure fake meats are properly labeled, since that will slow down public acceptance.”

Read more and watch the Russell Brand video

scientist in a hazmat suit in a laboratory doing research with blood in petri dishes

Stop the Mad Scientists

There’s mounting scientific, forensic, and circumstantial evidence the COVID-19 pandemic is not a natural occurrence in which a relatively harmless bat virus (with limited transmissibility) mutated, became aerosolized, and began infecting humans on a mass scale. 

What millions of people now understand is that SARS-CoV-2 is a genetically engineered Frankenvirus, the product of a disastrous, but unfortunately predictable lab accident that occurred in Wuhan, China in late 2019.

This weaponized virus is the genetically engineered offspring of a decades-long biological arms race, disguised as “gain-of-function” biomedical, or biosafety research.

Scientists all over the world—funded by Big Pharma, tax dollars and the military-industrial complex—are collecting viruses, bacteria, and microorganisms and taking them into poorly regulated, accident-prone labs where they are engineered to be more virulent and infective.

This dangerous research is all being done under the guise of “biosafety” and vaccine research. Even as you read this, US scientists are working on making the SARS-CoV-2 virus even more deadly, utilizing lab engineering and animal passaging.

It’s time to put an end to this madness. 

It’s time to bring the perpetrators of this pandemic to justice and put them on trial as part of an International Tribunal.

It’s time to strengthen the International Bioweapons Protocol to ban so-called “gain-of-function” experiments forever. 

SIGN THE PETITION ‘Demand an Immediate Global Ban on Gain-of-Function ‘Biomedical’ and ‘Biodefense’ Research!’

Already signed? SHARE the petition with your friends on Facebook or copy and paste this message into a new email and send to your friends.

tree in a globe signifying protection of environment

Battling On

Much of our work is focused on educating consumers and engaging them in the battle to protect our food and agriculture system. But it’s also a battle to protect our health.

Never has that mission been more urgent than now. COVID-19 has taught us how valuable a healthy immune system is—and how a polluted environment and a highly processed, pesticide-contaminated industrial diet compromise our health and leave us vulnerable.

Our job would be easier if we could focus exclusively on food and agriculture. But unfortunately, the corporations that benefit from corrupting the food system, polluting our waterways and degrading our soil, also corrupt our political system.

As long as food and agriculture policy is written by Big Food and Big Ag, our food, our environment—and our health—will suffer.

Please help us keep the battle going.

Make a tax-deductible donation to Organic Consumers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit 

Support Citizens Regeneration Lobby, OCA’s 501(c)(4) lobbying arm (not tax-deductible)

Donate $100 or more and we’ll send you a copy of Ronnie’s new book

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