Organic Bytes
Newsletter #859: Save the Planet With Regenerative Organic Agriculture


Congress Took Action To Save the Climate With Regenerative Organic Agriculture—Tell Them To Keep It Up & Get It Right

Did you know that Congress has already taken action to save the climate with regenerative organic agriculture?

They did it back in the 2008 Farm Bill, when they created the Conservation Stewardship Program.

The Conservation Stewardship Program could help every farmer adopt “climate-smart” regenerative organic agriculture practices— if Congress fully funded it.

More than three out of four farmers who want to participate in the Conservation Stewardship Program are closed out.

The other problem is that a significant chunk of CSP payments are allocated to industrial farmers who use synthetic fertilizers and toxic pesticides. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is rewarding them for what Bayer and the other agrochemical companies market as “precision agriculture.” What it amounts to is adjusting the nozzles on their pesticide sprayers and fertilizer applicators to make sure they use just the “right” amount—with no promise they’ll use any less!

Right now, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is rewarding greenhouse gas polluting industrial farmers for what Bayer and the other agrochemical companies market as “precision agriculture.” What it amounts to is adjusting the nozzles on their pesticide sprayers and fertilizer applicators to make sure they use the “right” amount—with no promise they’ll use any less!

Conservation Stewardship Program money shouldn’t go to nozzle adjustment.

We must step up our efforts to champion organic and regenerative food and farming, positive ideas and solutions that can change our world.

TAKE ACTION! Tell Congress to Fully Fund the Conservation Stewardship Program—and Make Sure the Money Goes to Real Regenerative Organic Agriculture Practices!


‘Goldmine’ Collection of Wheat From 100 Years Ago May Help Feed the World

Robin McKie, Science Editor, The Guardian:

“A hundred years ago, the plant scientist Arthur Watkins launched a remarkable project. He began collecting samples of wheat from all over the globe, nagging consuls and business agents across the British empire and beyond to supply him with grain from local markets.

His persistence was exceptional and, a century later, it is about to reap dramatic results. A UK-Chinese collaboration has sequenced the DNA of all the 827 kinds of wheat, assembled by Watkins, that have been nurtured at the John Innes Centre near Norwich for most of the past century.

In doing so, scientists have created a genetic goldmine by pinpointing previously unknown genes that are now being used to create hardy varieties with improved yields that could help feed Earth’s swelling population.”

Read how they can now retrace the novel, functional and beneficial diversity that were lost in modern wheats after the ‘green revolution’ in the 20th century


Happiness Isn’t an Emotion

Jessica Stillman, Contributor,

“Emotions, both those we label good and bad, are “nothing more than information about the outside world,” Brooks says. Unpleasant emotions point out things we should avoid or change. Positive ones draw us towards things we crave and enjoy. But none of them on their own add up happiness. 

This very basic misunderstanding of what happiness actually is leads many of us astray, he continues.

Then what is happiness?

So if happiness isn’t feeling good, or joyful, or content, what is it? Sure, happiness includes pleasant experiences and emotions like you get when you bite into a delicious piece of cake or lounge on a pristine beach. Nobody is knocking dessert or vacations.

But Brooks claims that real happiness mixes these momentary pleasures with the satisfaction of overcoming struggles and the sense of your life having overarching meaning.”

Read about what really makes us feel good about our lives


EPA Announces $4.3 Billion for Climate and Pollution Improvement Projects Across 30 States

Paige Bennett reports for EcoWatch:

“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced on Monday $4.3 billion in funding that will go toward 25 projects across 30 states. The projects will address climate pollution and environmental justice.

The EPA announced the funding through Climate Pollution Reduction Grants, made available through the Inflation Reduction Act. According to the agency, estimates for the selected projects could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 971 million metric tons by 2050. This would equate to the emissions from energy consumption of 5 million homes for 25 years.

According to the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program webpage, the selected projects are designed to bring climate benefits, cleaner air and water, lower energy bills and more access to green spaces and public transit. Additionally, the projects are expected to create jobs, particularly in under-served and rural communities.”

Learn which sectors these grant funded projects will be addressing


Focus on Positive Ideas and Solutions

Given the magnitude of the current crisis, we at OCA believe we need to expand our redemptive message of Regeneration to encompass, not only the next stage of organic food and farming and land use, but also our political policies and practices. We must step up our efforts, not only championing organic food and farming, but international peace and economic justice, civil liberties, participatory democracy, and regenerating health, both mental and physical. In the midst of political corruption and opportunism, media censorship and fear-mongering, it’s essential to focus on positive ideas and solutions.

We have launched a campaign to stop the mad science of weaponizing viruses and pathogens, to stop the next pandemic before it starts.  By joining together to stop out-of-control science, genetic manipulation, industrial agriculture, nanotechnology, military madness, and bioweapons, by nurturing a 21st Century paradigm of peace, negotiation, and disarmament, rather than belligerence, we can safeguard our future. Even though it may sound utopian to many at this point in time, we really have no choice but to join with the global grassroots and force our governments to cooperate in the interests of peace and Regeneration.

We at OCA and Regeneration International are perennial optimists. We believe that we, the global grassroots, are literally at a turning point in history. This is the crucial moment when we must step up our truth-telling and educational efforts. Now is the time to build stronger coalitions, resist the enormous power of the global elites and technocrats, and bring about fundamental change in the marketplace, public policy, and finance.

But in order to carry out a Regeneration Revolution we need your help.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

If you haven’t donated recently, please consider giving us a donation today.

There Are Many Ways You Can Support OCA’s Work

Estate Planning – FreeWill: As you plan for the future of your family, please consider providing for the future of OCA’s work as well. Including OCA in your will lets you support your commitment to public health and the environment well beyond your lifetime. It’s easy to leave a bequest of any specific dollar amount, or a percentage of your estate, by including the proper language in your will. OCA has partnered with FreeWill, which is the best online service for people to make their own will for free. It takes less than 20 minutes. You can also use this tool to draft your health directive. Make your will or health directive for free!


The Perennial Plate

Daniel Klein, Mirra Fine:

“The Perennial Plate is a two-time James Beard Award winning documentary series and production company with a focus on a more human food system.  Their work has been featured in The Atlantic, The New York Times, Food and Wine Magazine, Saveur, Bon Appetite and their films have been screened at dozens of film festivals.

Season One of the series took place over a calendar year in Minnesota where every Monday for 52 weeks, Daniel Klein and Mirra Fine (husband and wife) released short films about the culinary, agricultural and hunting happenings in their home state. In Season Two, they made weekly videos across America. For Season 3  they traveled  to China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Spain, Morocco, Italy, Turkey, Argentina, Mexico, South Africa and Ethiopia.  In Season 4 (with baby in tow), they spent 2 months each in Colorado, Mexico, Ireland and Nova Scotia, documenting a multitude of regional food stories.  Their most recent season took a turn away from food and toward Immigrant stories, taking a compassionate look at American Life in its many forms.”

“The Perennial Plate is real food TV, in every sense.” — Michael Pollan

“A level of culinary cinema verité that television can’t (or wouldn’t dare) match.” — Food & Wine Magazine

“Daniel has transformed his love of cooking into a web series that I find both insightful and informative ” — Thomas Keller, the French Laundry

We highly recommend this insightful series that teaches people about socially responsible and adventurous eating in a delightful and engaging way.

Explore this beautifully filmed extraordinary series!


Why Grass-Fed Beef Is Worth the Hype

Emily Caldwell writes for The Manual:

“Grass-fed beef can be found everywhere today, from Whole Foods and ALDI to major wholesale clubs like Costco and BJ’s. For the average consumer, it may just seem like this beef comes with a price tag that is too high and might just be another health craze that will quickly pass. However, the growing demand for grass-fed beef is due to its exceptional nutritional value that simply cannot compare to grain-fed beef. Below, we’ll break down what the grass-fed beef hype is all about and why it’s worth the spend.

To understand the hype around grass-fed beef, it’s first important to understand what it truly is. 

As defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), grass-fed beef means that the cow is fed grass and forage for its entire lifetime, except milk in its early days. This means the cow is not fed any grain or grain byproducts, such as in grain-fed beef, and the animal is allowed to roam freely on the pasture.

Nutritional profile of grass-fed beef

Grass-fed beef contains more vitamins and nutrients when compared to grain-fed beef, providing more nutritional value in each bite.”

Read more to find out why if you care about making humane choices and getting the most nutrition in your meals, opting for grass-fed beef is a smart choice

Check our Regenerative Farm Map and get grass-fed beef from a local farmer


Consumers Predicted To Bear the Cost of Treating PFAS in Drinking Water

By Lisa Whitley Coleman, EHS:

“Pushback against the EPA’s new regulations for maximum contaminant levels (MCL) for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water continues to accelerate, with state and public drinking water system officials claiming the costs of removal will be much more than the EPA estimates.

The EPA calculated measurable health benefits based on fewer cancers, lower incidences of heart attacks and strokes, and reduced birth complications. These benefits are estimated to be approximately $1.5 billion per year and include avoided costs of medical bills, income lost to illness, and death. Additional health benefits like developmental, cardiovascular, liver, immune, endocrine, metabolic, reproductive, musculoskeletal, and carcinogenic effects couldn’t be quantified, which means the benefits are likely higher, according to the Agency.

Even with the available federal funding to address PFAS drinking water contamination, many states say it isn’t enough money to correct the issues at the low levels required by the EPA’s new rule.

Many states have filed litigation against PFAS manufacturers to recoup some of the expenses.”

Find out how water bills could triple

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to Ban PFAS Pollution!


Decades of Research Confirms How Aspartame Harms Your Health

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola:


* Aspartame, an artificial sweetener 200 times sweeter than sugar, has been linked to numerous health problems including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, seizures and weight gain

* The methanol in aspartame breaks down into formaldehyde in the body, a known carcinogen. Multiple studies have associated aspartame consumption with increased cancer risk

* Aspartame can cause excitotoxicity in the brain, leading to neural damage. It’s been linked to behavioral and cognitive issues, headaches, anxiety, depression and increased dementia risk

* Despite being marketed for weight loss, studies show aspartame may actually contribute to weight gain, increased appetite and obesity-related diseases

* The WHO advises against using non-sugar sweeteners for weight management, stating they offer no nutritional value and may increase risks of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease”

Read more


EDF Tight Lipped About New Geoengineering Research Program

By Corbin Hiar, E&E News:

“One of the nation’s most influential environmental groups plans to launch a program that would assess the impacts of reflecting sunlight to slow global warming.

The Environmental Defense Fund’s solar radiation management research effort is a significant mainstream endorsement of the controversial field, also known as solar geoenegineering.

In theory, solar geoengineering involves spraying reflective particles into the stratosphere or increasing the reflectivity of clouds over the oceans. Advocates — including some top climate scientists — maintain the processes could temporarily reduce global warming until humanity manages to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to safe levels.

But other scientists and environmentalists argue solar geoengineering is too dangerous to even study. That’s because, they argue, it doesn’t address the main cause of climate change — the world’s addiction to fossil fuels — and it could have unintended consequences on the ozone layer or disrupt weather patterns.

The Alameda City Council in California voted last week to block a marine cloud brightening experiment in their Bay Area community. Council members objected to the secrecy surrounding the landmark research project, which researchers unveiled in another New York Times exclusive. It was the second solar geoengineering field study shelved in recent months due to community opposition.”

Read more

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your State Legislators To Say No to Solar Geoengineering!