blue and white bottles of Monsantos Roundup herbicide on a store shelf with a red circle and slash through them

Note from RFK, Jr.


Thanks to @RobertKennedyJr for this beautiful letter supporting our fall fundraising goal. Please consider making a donation today! | Thanks to @RobertKennedyJr for this beautiful letter supporting our fall fundraising goal. Please consider making a donation today! | Read the Full Article

As hard as we at OCA work to expose the devastating consequences of Roundup (and all toxic agri-chemicals, for that matter) on human health and the environment, we’re keenly aware that we are not alone.

Thankfully, there are hundreds of good organizations, millions of people, hard at work to end the poisoning of our food system.

One of those people is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

Kennedy was co-counsel for the recent trial in San Francisco, which pitted one of Monsanto’s victims against a cadre of Monsanto attorneys. Throughout the trial, he provided us with eyewitness accounts of, how he puts it, the “spectacle” of Monsanto’s lawyers as they tried to deny that Roundup weedkiller caused Dewayne “Lee” Johnson’s cancer. Kennedy writes:

I watched Monsanto’s hired guns tap dance and dissemble, as they tried to explain Monsanto’s herculean 40-year campaign to hide the truth about Roundup’s deadly cancer-causing properties.

We’re gratefull for Kennedy’s reports, and work, on the landmark trial that ended in the jury awarding Johnson $289.2 million.

We’re also grateful that he was willing to reach out to our networks to ask for support for our latest fundraising campaign. We hope you’ll read his plea, written on our behalf.

Read this letter from RFK, Jr.

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