Message From OCA Sponsor:
At Living Tree Community, We Stand with You
We read with sadness that last month, a total of 598,000 jobs vanished. Last year the number of unemployed persons grew by 3.6 million. 11.1 million Americans are unemployed.
You are the most creative, productive, and resourceful people on earth, and you are being asked to put your life on hold while the wealth you have created is squandered in bailing out those responsible for the crisis in the first place.
We heartily support your determination to thrive in good health no matter what, and we would feel privileged to work with you.
We urge you to get together with neighbors and friends and start a food coop or buying club. Combine your purchasing power! Buy in bulk! You’ll save considerably, both on the cost of goods and on shipping. We’d be delighted to offer you wholesale prices. What wonderful discoveries you’ll make. That stay-at-home mom would make a great manager! That retired gentleman, a former accountant, could be the bookkeeper! Go ahead put up a sign in the post office or laundromat and see what sort of response you get. Remember, both Apple Computer and Hewlett Packard began in a garage! Get started here.
Visit us online or call Toll Free:
Living Tree Community Foods 1-800-260-5534
Please forward this publication to family and friends, place it on web sites, print it, duplicate it and post it freely. You can find printable versions and past issues here. Knowledge is power!
ORGANIC BYTES is written and edited by Craig Minowa and Ronnie Cummins
and is a publication of:
6771 South Silver Hill Drive
Finland, Minnesota 55603
Phone: (218)- 226-4164
Fax: (218) 353-7652