Nearly 70% of physicians say GMO foods should be labeled

Nearly 70% of Physicians Say GMO Foods Should Be Labeled

(NaturalNews) One thing is clear regarding the GMO labeling issue. The vast majority of Americans -- more than 90 percent -- are in favor of mandatory labeling laws. A recent poll by a physician's association revealed that more than two-thirds (68 percent) of doctors are also in favor of mandatory GMO food labeling.

The SERMO physician community conducted a poll of its members, asking the question: "Should food manufacturers be required to label products containing GMOs?" Of the 2,097 physicians who responded, 1,422 answered "yes."

August 17, 2015 | Source: Natural News | by Daniel Barker

(NaturalNews) One thing is clear regarding the GMO labeling issue. The vast majority of Americans — more than 90 percent — are in favor of mandatory labeling laws. A recent poll by a physician’s association revealed that more than two-thirds (68 percent) of doctors are also in favor of mandatory GMO food labeling.

The SERMO physician community conducted a poll of its members, asking the question: “Should food manufacturers be required to label products containing GMOs?” Of the 2,097 physicians who responded, 1,422 answered “yes.”

In their report on GMOs, the physician’s association refers to the recent World Health Organization’s findings regarding chemicals such as glyphosate, the herbicide widely used in GM agriculture:

Genetically engineered crop producers took another hit this year when the World Health Organization reported that organophosphate herbicides such as glyphosate are ‘probable carcinogens’, with limited evidence showing an increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in occupational workers, and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in mammals. The finding comes on the heels of renewed calls to update GMO regulations at the federal level and mandate that all GMO foods be labeled in stores.

The SERMO report also draws a comparison between proposed GMO labeling and the trans fat labeling legislation that was passed when it was proven that trans fats were associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

Subsequently, the FDA and USDA called for new labeling that differentiated between trans fats and saturated fats. The labeling change had a significant impact, according to SERMO:

The regulation changes forced processed food manufacturers to use healthier ingredients, regardless of higher cost considerations. A consumer cultural shift followed suit and everyone paid more attention to food content.

The message was clear – when regulatory groups call out unhealthy additives, manufacturers fall in line and work to protect consumer health.