““Regenerative agriculture is going to be a key phrase in the decades ahead—and this book will get you in on the ground floor, so to speak. Not much could be more important!”—Bill McKibben, author of “Falter”
We are facing a deteriorating state of public and personal health, a collapsing ecosystem as evidenced by the alarming rate of species extinction—and the clear failure of government agencies and politicians to address any of these emergencies.
Should we throw up our hands and declare the situation hopeless? Definitely not.
On the contrary, now is precisely the time to rise up and demand a Regenerative Green New Deal.
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“Grassroots Rising” is also available in audio format, details here. Don’t want to commit without knowing more? Click here for sample audio clips.
What people are saying about the book
“The world is finally waking up to the ecological and climate emergency and the urgent need to realign the economy with the laws of ecology. In Grassroots Rising, tireless activist Ronnie Cummins outlines how we can address the multiple crises of our time by making a transition from industrial agriculture and food systems to a regenerative agriculture that recycles carbon and nitrogen in forests, grasslands, and farms; reverses climate change; creates healthy soils; and halts species extinction and the erosion of biodiversity. This is a book that should be in the hands of every activist working on food and farming, climate change, and the Green New Deal.”—Vandana Shiva, scientist, environmentalist, social activist; author of “Earth Democracy, Soil Not Oil” and “Stolen Harvest”
“Regenerative agriculture is going to be a key phrase in the decades ahead—and this book will get you in on the ground floor, so to speak. Not much could be more important!”—Bill McKibben, author of “Falter”
“Grassroots Rising is one of the most important books you will ever read. It shows the existential environmental and health disasters caused by the toxic and degenerative practices of the poison cartels, Big Agriculture, the fossil fuel industries, predator tycoons, and the money manipulators. Most importantly, though, it is a book with good news! It outlines a logical and very achievable pathway for how we can shift from degeneration to regeneration and make this a healthy, fair, prosperous, diverse, democratic, and environmentally robust world for all of us.”—André Leu, former president, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM); author of “The Myth of Safe Pesticides”
“Healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy animals, healthy food, healthy people. My friend and fellow activist Ronnie Cummins makes a strong case for how organic and regenerative food, farming, and land use can lead us to a healthier and happier world with a stable climate.”—Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder, Mercola.com
“The future doesn’t have to be gloomy. In this upbeat call to action, Ronnie Cummins, longtime campaigner for healthy food and land, guides us on a hopeful and pragmatic journey into the crucial upcoming decade. A Regenerative Economy is not pie-in-the-sky; it can be done. We have all the tools we need. And thanks to leaders such as Ronnie, we know what to do. This book is a must-read!”—Courtney White, author of “Grass, Soil, Hope and Two Percent Solutions for the Planet”
Reviews, interviews and excerpts