Go Bold
@OrganicConsumer | |
“Radical” is a badge OCA has always worn, proudly. Even though we believe the policies we’ve supported consistently—many of which are successfully in place in other countries—are actually more sensible and practical than the weak measures being offered by others under slogans such as “Build Back Better.”
While it’s unfortunate that it’s taken a global pandemic to get there, we’re encouraged that more and more people, citizens and policymakers alike, are joining the call for radical change and radical policy reforms.
As Ben Phillips, Campaigns and Policy Director of ActionAid, wrote recently:
“This is a time for radically new policies. The bravest ideas of yesterday are the weak tea of today. Set out now your ideas for a bold tomorrow.”
We couldn’t agree more. Which is why we’ll keep fighting for a ban on industrial factory farms. And an Organic and Regenerative Revolution that includes “bold” reforms for U.S. food and farming policies.
As Phillips says:
“Throughout history, progress has been won through peoples own collective struggle. Alone, we may indeed be trapped by the structures in which we find ourselves, but history shows that acting together we have the capacity to remake them.”
Thank you for being part of this collective struggle. For not settling for “weak tea” when the moment calls for bravery.
Don’t be intimidated. Don’t fall into despair. And if you can, please make a donation today to support our work.
Make a tax-deductible donation to OCA
Support Citizens Regeneration Lobby, OCA’s 501(c)(4) lobbying arm (not tax-deductible)
Donate $100 or more and we’ll send you a copy of Ronnie’s book