Genetically Modified Wheat, Poisoned Bread and More Coloured Mirrors
August 29, 2024 | Source: Tierra Viva News Agency | by Darío Aranda
The United States Department of Agriculture approved the cultivation of transgenic wheat. It is one more step in confirming how a very small group of powerful people decide the food, health and suffering of large sectors of the population. The first transgenic wheat in the world, from the Argentine companies Bioceres and the multinational Florimond Desprez (France), is associated with the dangerous agrotoxin glufosinate ammonium. A review of the lies and violation of rights of the Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). Transgenic wheat HB4 is an unprecedented step in the advance of agribusiness over the rights of populations. Bread, that food as ancient as it is central to peoples, is transformed into a product with health risks.
The media partners of agribusiness reported the news from the United States. They even defined it as a “milestone” for national agriculture. Only 24 hours later, the company Bioceres issued its position on the digital network X (formerly Twitter): “The cultivation of HB4 wheat arrived in the US. HB4 technology is the only one in the world with tolerance to drought, and this new approval shows that Argentine science continues to lead the way in finding solutions to major global challenges.”