Title I: Commodities and Crop Insurance
Title I cuts, caps, and clarifies the farm subsidy programs available in the commodity, conservation, and crop insurance titles of the Farm Bill. It expands coverage for non-commodity farms and ensures that farmers who receive subsidies reduce their environmental impact.

• Eliminates excessive commodity programs: The bill eliminates the Agriculture Risk
Coverage Program and the Price Loss Coverage Program, two expensive commodity
programs created by the 2014 Farm Bill to replace direct payments;
• Limits total subsidies: Limits the aggregate payment a farmer or agribusiness can receive
from the commodity, conservation, and crop insurance programs to $125,000 per year;
• Caps payments for farmers with high incomes: Reduces the current Farm Bill’s Adjusted Gross Income cap on payments from commodity and conservation programs from $900,000 to $500,000 and ensures that this limitation also covers crop insurance premium subsidies;
• No crop insurance loophole for peanut growers: Closes the loophole that gives peanut farmers a separate payment limit on crop insurance premium subsidies;
• Extends crop insurance to farmers who reduce erosion: Allows farmers who plant
erosion-reducing cover crops to qualify for crop insurance premium subsidies, and prohibits farmers from receiving subsidies if they plant on unsuitable land.
• Makes crop insurance more accessible to diversified farms and nurseries: Expands and strengthens the Whole Farm Revenue Option, a crop insurance option created by the 2014 Farm Bill to insure entire farms instead of individual crops; and

Title II: Conservation
Title II reforms existing conservation programs to focus on performance by distributing resources
based on how effectively a project achieves conservation goals and minimizing the environmental impact of agriculture practices.

• All farmers receiving farm subsidies must comply with conservation requirements: Requires all producers who receive farm subsidies to implement conservation requirements and sets goals for conservation plans such as improving water quality, reducing soil erosion, and establishing vegetation buffers between cropland and waterways;
• Prioritizes Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) spending on projects
that demonstrably improve the quality of the environment:
Priotizes projects that focus on practices such as cover cropping, integrated pest management, and pollinator habitat; • Eases access to EQIP for organic producers: Opens funds to farmers who comply with federal organic regulations and those who are transitioning to organic;
• No EQIP for CAFOs and rewarding pasture-based systems: No payments to owners of CAFOs and creates a new set-aside for livestock producers who use pasture-based systems;
• Ensures that more Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) funding goes towards sustainable farming practices: Requires more CSP funding for source water protection, pest management, and soil conservation and creates new set-asides for rotational grazing, organic transition, and other conservation activities;
• Establishes clear goals for the Regional Conservation Partnership Program: Sets
program environmental goals and objectives, encourages landscape-level projects, and
requires recipients to conduct natural resource and watershed assessments; For more information on Congressman Blumenauer’s food and farm agenda, visit his website at http://blumenauer.house.gov/.
• New loan program for conservation-based structural improvements: Authorizes a
conservation loan program for farmers and ranchers to install conservation structures,
building waste management systems, and improve permanent pasture;
• USDA must report on greenhouse gas emissions from CAFOs and soil tillage:
Requires USDA to track and report on greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture; and
• Doubles funding for conservation programs: Key conservation programs authorized in the 2014 Farm Bill receive twice the funding compared to current levels.