
Doctor Debunks Common Myth About Putting Hot Food Straight in the Fridge

If you thought you needed to leave hot food on the counter to cool down before putting it in the fridge, you’ve been living a lie

July 04, 2024 | Source: theFOCUS. | by Elissa Bain

It’s a common misconception that hot items must be cooled to avoid raising the fridge temperature, and a doctor has debunked it once and for all.

Dr. Karan Raj took to TikTok to reveal that you can put hot food straight in the fridge, and it’s actually the correct thing to do.

“The sooner you get your leftovers in the fridge the better because it means your food spends less time in the danger zone,” he said.

The medical professional explained that between 4°C (40°F) and 60°C (140°F) is the “danger zone” – when bacteria can grow more rapidly.

Cooling and storing your food in the fridge as soon as possible lowers the temperature and gets you out of this range quicker.

This minimizes bacterial growth and reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses such as norovirus and salmonella.