Why Geoengineering Is a Human Rights Nightmare

Geoengineering is a huge risk to human rights that could be the subject of future climate lawsuits June 03, 2024 | Source: The Wave | by Isabella Kaminski Geoengineering is one

Why Geoengineering Is a Human Rights Nightmare2024-07-10T19:31:30+00:00

High-Profile Geoengineering Experiment Shuts Down

A beleaguered solar geoengineering project failed to conduct field tests because of opposition from environmentalists and Indigenous residents March 19, 2024 | Source: Science American | by Chelsea Harvey & E&E News

High-Profile Geoengineering Experiment Shuts Down2024-07-09T16:14:35+00:00

Inside EDF’s Private Meeting on Geoengineering

The group invited about 30 experts to plan for a likely wave of new funding to study reflecting sun rays. February 14, 2024 | Source: E & E News | by Corbin

Inside EDF’s Private Meeting on Geoengineering2024-07-09T16:14:43+00:00

Geoengineering Sounds Like a Quick Climate Fix, But It’s a Costly Gamble − With Potentially Harmful Results

August 21, 2023 | Source: The Conversation | by David Kitchen When soaring temperatures, extreme weather and catastrophic wildfires hit the headlines, people start asking for quick fixes to climate change. The U.S. government just announced the first

Geoengineering Sounds Like a Quick Climate Fix, But It’s a Costly Gamble − With Potentially Harmful Results2024-07-09T16:14:55+00:00

#SayNoToSolarGeo! Blocking the Sun Is NOT a Climate Solution!

Officially, there’s an international moratorium on attempts to block the sun, as well as a U.N. Environmental Modification Convention, but rogue “Greenfinger” billionaires like Bill Gates have continued their dangerous experiments.

#SayNoToSolarGeo! Blocking the Sun Is NOT a Climate Solution!2024-07-09T16:17:21+00:00

Mexico Becomes First Nation to Admit Harms of Geoengineering, Halts Future Experiments

The Mexican government has announced a moratorium on solar geoengineering experiments following an unauthorized small scale experiment by a U.S. startup. How will the decision impact the plans of globalists who aim to use geoengineering as a gateway to world governance?

Mexico Becomes First Nation to Admit Harms of Geoengineering, Halts Future Experiments2024-07-09T16:15:05+00:00

Can Geoengineering Fix the Climate? Hundreds of Scientists Say Not So Fast

As global heating escalates, the US government has set out a plan to further study the controversial and seemingly sci-fi notion of deflecting the sun’s rays before they hit Earth. But a growing group of scientists denounces any steps towards what is known as solar geoengineering.

Can Geoengineering Fix the Climate? Hundreds of Scientists Say Not So Fast2024-07-09T16:15:22+00:00

Should the World Ban Solar Geoengineering? 60 Experts Say Yes

They say the technology poses an “unacceptable risk.” January 21, 2022 | Source: Grist | by Shannon Osaka Last weekend, an underwater volcanic eruption covered the island nation of Tonga in

Should the World Ban Solar Geoengineering? 60 Experts Say Yes2024-07-09T16:15:36+00:00