
Millions Against Monsanto

The Millions Against Monsanto Campaign was started by OCA in the mid-1990s to fight back against Monsanto and the other biotech bullies responsible for poisoning the world’s food and the environment.

For more than two decades, Monsanto and corporate agribusiness have exercised near-dictatorial control over American agriculture, including the development of genetically modified seeds. Finally, public opinion around the biotech industry’s contamination of the world’s food supply and destruction of the environment has reached the tipping point.

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Monsanto Weed Killer Is Killing Humans

Organic Agriculture Brings Peace in the Philippines

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Monsanto Weed Killer Is Killing Humans

Organic Agriculture Brings Peace in the Philippines

Monsanto Knowingly Sold Human Carcinogen To Consumers

André Leu, IFOAM President: We must join forces

#VetoDARKact Rally at the White House July 15, 2016

Our Food Our Future Video Appeal

Alexis Baden-Mayer Discussing Zika, Agricultural Chemicals and Microcephaly

#TelSwaraj – Satyagraha for Gandhi’s Ghani

My Honest Table Intro

Industrial Vs Sustainable Agriculture

A GMO Thanksgiving With Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Staff

Power Through People – GMO

Neil Young + Promise Of The Real – A Rock Star Bucks A Coffee Shop (Official Music Video)

Dr Ritterman speaks about the ways Monsanto Makes Us Sick

Dr Shealy speaks about the ways Monsanto Makes Us Sick

We Are All Seeds – A New Year Message from Dr. Vandana Shiva for 2015

Daniel Bissonnette, at March against Monsanto, Vancouver

Old Man Santo Had a Farm

Is What You Ate For Breakfast Killing The Planet? Marjory Wildcraft Interviews Ronnie Cummings