Regenerate The Farm Bill
Regenerative, organic agriculture can feed the world.
Let’s turn back climate change and make food production more resilient to droughts and floods with biodiversity instead of biotech, greenhouse gas sequestration instead of emissions, natural pest management instead of toxic pesticides, humus-rich compost instead of fossil fuel fertilizers and sewage sludge, and family farms instead of factory farms.
The question of which agriculture model will dominate food production is a question we must correctly answer.

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Tell the USDA: Consumers want clear GMO labels on ALL GMO food!
Organic Bytes Newsletter
Read Current Issue — February 6, 2025
Newsletter #882: Fake Meat Linked to Depression

In This Issue:
- Fake Meat Linked to Depression Among Vegetarians
- The Lost Art of Self-Reliant Living
- Lawsuit Alleges Addictive Ultra-Processed Foods Caused Youth’s Illnesses
- Clean Fragrance: Gift Options for Valentine’s Day
- Working for a Healthier World, Now and Into the Future
- Lyrical “Seeds” Is a Stunning Portrait of Black Generational Farmers
- Fluoride Toothpastes, Mouthwash Marketed to Kids in Dangerous Ways
- 7 Ways To Grow Community Through Gardening
- USA’s Decision to Block U.S. Aid Heightens Humanitarian Crises
- Certificate Course on Agroecological, Regenerative and Organic Agriculture
- February 7: Get the Military-Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex Out of Food & Farming
- Other Essential Reading and Videos for the Week
Recommended Resources:
- The Center for Media and Democracy’s PR Watch
- National Family Farm Coalition
- Author Michael Pollan on Vilsack
- New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof on Vilsack
- Video: OCA Executive Director Ronnie Cummins Explains the Case Against Vilsack on Democracy Now!
- Farm Groups Praise Choice Of Centrist Vilsack