Today was the first day of the Michigan Food Stamp Challenge
for 50 area families voluntarily limiting their food budgets to $3/day
per person – the amount provided by the food stamp program. The
Challenge is intended to draw attention to the fact that even this low
rate is threatened with cuts. From the Challenge’s press release,

week living on an average food stamp budget won’t come close to
recreating the worry and anxiety that millions of low-income people
feel every day when they’re not sure where their next meal is coming
from, but we do hope to shine a light on the importance of the program
and the need for increased benefits,” said Chuck Warpehoski, Director
of the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice, the organization
organizing the Challenge. [Chuck is also an AU contributor.]

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The Farm Bill, which includes funding for the Food Stamp Program, is due to be reauthorized in Congress this year.

Bush has called for cuts to food stamps, citing how the war in Iraq has
put pressure on budget. Anyone who is considering cutting food stamps
to pay for the war in Iraq should take the Food Stamp Challenge first,
then let’s talk,” said Warpehoski.

Challenge website hosts a blog for program participants to discuss the
experience of shopping, cooking, and eating on $3/day, at