Demand for Energy Star homes is on the rise in New York as high energy costs remain and concerns about energy efficiency increase, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority said.
Since 2001, more than 10,800 Energy Star-labeled homes have been built in New York, saving nearly 14 million kilowatt-hours of electricity and 603 billion British thermal units of fossil fuel to date, NYSERDA said.
There are 140 Energy Star-labeled homes in the Southern Tier and three of these homes in the Binghamton area. Cumulative electrical savings for the Binghamton area from 2001 to date is 3,648 kWh. Cumulative natural gas and fuel oil savings for the local region during the period is 204 million Btu.
“We’ve seen a shift in our customers’ attitudes over the past three years,” said Anne Rockwood, production manager for DeGraff Bloom Custom Builders in Charlton. This year, the business began building all of its homes to Energy Star standards. “When gas prices started to skyrocket, people became much more interested in the program. In the past year or so, concerns about global warming have become a motivating factor as well.”
The New York Energy Star Labeled Homes Program offers consumers the choice to buy a home that uses about 30 percent less energy than conventionally built new homes. The program is sponsored by NYSERDA in coordination with the Environmental Protection Agency.
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