The Sustainable Endowment Institute has released its second College
Sustainability Report Card, grading the environmentaliciousness of the
200 U.S. colleges with the largest endowments. Two-thirds of the
schools received better grades this time around;
the average overall grade was a C+, with six schools receiving an
overall A- for their efforts. The colleges were graded on
transportation, administration, climate and energy, food and recycling,
green building, and investment priorities, as well as endowment
transparency and shareholder engagement (both of which most schools
solidly failed). Among the encouraging statistics: Around half of the
schools have committed to reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, more than
two-thirds have green building policies, and more than 80 percent
source at least some cafeteria food locally.


The Chronicle of Higher Education

Inside Higher Ed

PR Newswire

straight to the report: 

College Sustainability Report Card 2008

see also, in Gristmill: 

College Sustainability Report Card 2008 released

see also, in Grist: 

15 Green Colleges and Universities

see also, in Grist: 

College and university presidents sign on to climate pledge