For related articles and more information, please visit OCA’s All About Organics page.
The Green PolkaDot Box¢ founder Rod A. Smith is pleased to announce that successful CCOF certified organic packers, Jeff and Jeanette Pfeiffer, have joined The Green Polka Dot Box Online Membership Buying Collective team to help deliver fresh produce for the organic and natural, non-GMO foods and products buying collective known as The Green PolkaDot Box.
Citrus farmers since 1988 and organic certified packers since 2003, the Pfeiffers, who formerly packed for the Sunkist Growers’ organic program, said organic farming is a fast growing niche that shows increasing demand as more and more consumers want what Rod A. Smith deems clean food.
“The Green PolkaDot Box would like to talk with all certified organic farmers in California to help share their fresh produce direct to consumers through our online buying collective,” said Jeanette Pfeiffer, co-director of the California-based program. “We plan to offer fresh, organic produce for home/office delivery within just a couple of days of harvest. Our Harvest to Home program will reach individuals and families living in the western U.S. who have been unable to get fresh affordable organic produce. Think of us as an online farmer’s market. Imagine the convenience for those who will be able to order from their personal computer, then have pure food with free delivery right to their front door.”
Jeff Pfeiffer says, “Organic food is here to stay. Farming organically is the only way to insure safe and nutritious foods for our families and the generations to come.”