19 Edible Perennials To Grow For Self-Sufficiency

July 01, 2024 | Source: The Peasant’s Daughter | by Jana Dziak

The single biggest mistake we made as new homesteaders — was not planting edible perennials in our garden as soon as possible.

Perennials are easy to grow, easy to maintain, and will reward you for many, many years with a steadfast supply of delicious food that comes back on its own faithfully each spring. But most of these plants require time to establish themselves and begin producing food, so plan accordingly and start now.

Perennials are plants that come back every year, making them a smart choice for gardeners. They save time and effort since you don’t need to replant them each season.

Edible perennials, like fruits, herbs, and vegetables, are especially beneficial as they’re often hard (or impossible) to find in stores. It’s also vastly cheaper to grow your own for all of the plants on this list.

Heed my advice, new homesteaders and gardeners — start planting edible perennials right from the start.