10 Traditional Native American Gardening Techniques

June 24, 2024 | Source: Almanac | by Robin Sweetser

As gardeners, we are connected to all people who have come before us, caring for the Earth and learning how to best grow crops. Ready for the best gardening techniques? Let’s have a look at some age-old gardening wisdom that’s still relevant today.

A Long History of Gardening

Gourds, beans, and peppers were being cultivated in Mexico by 5,500 BCand by 5,000 BC, maize was being grown in Mesoamerica and potatoes in South America. Success or failure of these crops had a major impact on people’s survival. It was critical not only that the land provided sustenance, but that it sustained them year after year, which required knowledge of sustainable growing techniques to preserve the land for future generations.

We hear buzzwords like “sustainable” or “permaculture” and “organic” today. But these techniques were here long before we started talking about “going green.” Perhaps your grandparents also knew some of the older, gentler ways. Many are simply intuitive and based on fostering a closer relationship with nature and the land. If you don’t already, you might want to think about integrating some of these techniques into your own landscape.